Programming Flowables
The following flowables let you conditionally evaluate and execute expressions and statements at wrap time:
DocAssign(self, var, expr, life='forever')
Assigns a variable of name var
to the expression expr
. E.g.:
DocExec(self, stmt, lifetime='forever')
Executes the statement stmt
. E.g.:
DocPara(self, expr, format=None, style=None, klass=None, escape=True)
Creates a paragraph with the value of expr as text. If format is specified it should use %(expr)s for string interpolation of the expression expr (if any). It may also use %(name)s interpolations for other variables in the namespace. E.g.:
DocPara('i',format='The value of i is %(__expr__)d',style=normal)
DocAssert(self, cond, format=None)
Raises an AssertionError
containing the format
string if cond
evaluates as False
DocAssert(val, 'val is False')
DocIf(self, cond, thenBlock, elseBlock=[])
If cond
evaluates as True
, this flowable is replaced by the thenBlock
elsethe elseBlock
DocIf('i>3',Paragraph('The value of i is larger than 3',normal), Paragraph('The value of i is not larger than 3',normal))
DocWhile(self, cond, whileBlock)
Runs the whileBlock
while cond
evaluates to True
. E.g.:
DocWhile('i',[DocPara('i',format='The value of i is %(__expr__)d',style=normal),DocExec('i-=1')])
This example produces a set of paragraphs of the form:
The value of i is 5
The value of i is 4
The value of i is 3
The value of i is 2
The value of i is 1