Tables and TableStyles
The Table
and LongTable
classes derive from the Flowable
class and are intended
as a simple textual gridding mechanisms. The longTable
class uses a greedy algorithm
when calculating column widths and is intended for long tables where speed counts.
cells can hold anything which can be converted to
a Python string
or Flowables
(or lists of Flowables
Our present tables are a trade-off between efficient drawing and specification and functionality. We assume the reader has some familiarity with HTML tables. In brief, they have the following characteristics:
They can contain anything convertible to a string; flowable objects such as other tables; or entire sub-stories
They can work out the row heights to fit the data if you don't supply the row height. (They can also work out the widths, but generally it is better for a designer to set the width manually, and it draws faster).
They can split across pages if needed (see the canSplit attribute). You can specify that a number of rows at the top and bottom should be repeated after the split (e.g. show the headers again on page 2,3,4...)
They have a simple and powerful notation for specifying shading and gridlines which works well with financial or database tables, where you don't know the number of rows up front. You can easily say 'make the last row bold and put a line above it'
The style and data are separated, so you can declare a handful of table styles and use them for a family of reports. Styes can also 'inherit', as with paragraphs.
There is however one main limitation compared to an HTML table. They define a simple rectangular grid. There is no simple row or column spanning; if you need to span cells, you must nest tables inside table cells instead or use a more complex scheme in which the lead cell of a span contains the actual contents.
are created by passing the constructor an optional sequence of column widths,
an optional sequence of row heights, and the data in row order.
Drawing of the table can be controlled by using a TableStyle
instance. This allows control of the
color and weight of the lines (if any), and the font, alignment and padding of the text.
A primitive automatic row height and or column width calculation mechanism is provided for.
User Methods
These are the main methods which are of interest to the client programmer.
Table(data, colWidths=None, rowHeights=None, style=None, splitByRow=1, repeatRows=0, repeatCols=0, rowSplitRange=None, spaceBefore=None, spaceAfter=None, cornerRadii=None)
The data
argument is a sequence of sequences of cell values each of which
should be convertible to a string value using the str
function or should be a Flowable instance (such as a Paragraph
) or a list (or tuple) of such instances.
If a cell value is a Flowable
or list of Flowables
these must either have a determined width
or the containing column must have a fixed width.
The first row of cell values
is in data[0]
i.e. the values are in row order. The i
, j
th. cell value is in
. Newline characters '\\n'
in cell values are treated as line split characters and
are used at draw time to format the cell into lines.
The other arguments are fairly obvious, the colWidths
argument is a sequence
of numbers or possibly None
, representing the widths of the columns. The number of elements
in colWidths
determines the number of columns in the table.
A value of None
means that the corresponding column width should be calculated automatically.
The rowHeights
argument is a sequence
of numbers or possibly None
, representing the heights of the rows. The number of elements
in rowHeights
determines the number of rows in the table.
A value of None
means that the corresponding row height should be calculated automatically.
The style
argument can be an initial style for the table.
The splitByRow
argument is only needed for tables both too tall and too wide
to fit in the current context. In this case you must decide whether to 'tile'
down and across, or across and then down. This parameter is a Boolean indicating that the
should split itself
by row before attempting to split itself by column when too little space is available in
the current drawing area and the caller wants the Table
to split.
Splitting a Table
by column is currently not implemented, so setting splitByRow
to False
will result in a NotImplementedError
The repeatRows
argument specifies the number or a tuple of leading rows
that should be repeated when the Table
is asked to split itself. If it is a tuple it should specify which of the leading rows should be repeated; this allows
for cases where the first appearance of the table hsa more leading rows than later split parts.
The repeatCols
argument is currently ignored as a Table
cannot be split by column.
The rowSplitRange
argument may be used to control the splitting of the table to a subset of its rows; that can be to prevent splitting too close to the beginning or end of the table.
The spaceBefore
& spaceAfter
arguments may be used to put extra space before or after the table when renedered in a platypus
The style
argument can be an initial style for the table.
The cornerRadii
argument can be a list of the top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right radii.
A positive non-zero radius indicates that the corner should be rounded. This argument will override any ROUNDEDCORNERS
command in the argument style
list (ie it has pririty).
This method applies a particular instance of class TableStyle
(discussed below)
to the Table
instance. This is the only way to get tables
to appear
in a nicely formatted way.
Successive uses of the setStyle
method apply the styles in an additive fashion.
That is, later applications override earlier ones where they overlap.
This class is created by passing it a sequence of commands, each command is a tuple identified by its first element which is a string; the remaining elements of the command tuple represent the start and stop cell coordinates of the command and possibly thickness and colors, etc.
User Methods
The creation method initializes the TableStyle
with the argument
command sequence as an example:
LIST_STYLE = TableStyle(
[('LINEABOVE', (0,0), (-1,0), 2,,
('LINEABOVE', (0,1), (-1,-1), 0.25,,
('LINEBELOW', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 2,,
('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]
This method allows you to add commands to an existing
, i.e. you can build up TableStyles
in multiple statements.
LIST_STYLE.add('BACKGROUND', (0,0), (-1,0), colors.Color(0,0.7,0.7))
This method returns the sequence of commands of the instance.
cmds = LIST_STYLE.getCommands()
The commands passed to TableStyles
come in three main groups
which affect the table background, draw lines, or set cell styles.
The first element of each command is its identifier, the second and third arguments determine the cell coordinates of the box of cells which are affected with negative coordinates counting backwards from the limit values as in Python indexing. The coordinates are given as (column, row) which follows the spreadsheet 'A1' model, but not the more natural (for mathematicians) 'RC' ordering. The top left cell is (0, 0) the bottom right is (-1, -1). Depending on the command various extra (???) occur at indices beginning at 3 on.
Cell Formatting Commands
The cell formatting commands all begin with an identifier, followed by the start and stop cell definitions and the perhaps other arguments. the cell formatting commands are:
FONT - takes fontname, optional fontsize and optional leading.
FONTNAME (or FACE) - takes fontname.
FONTSIZE (or SIZE) - takes fontsize in points; leading may get out of sync.
LEADING - takes leading in points.
TEXTCOLOR - takes a color name or (R,G,B) tuple.
LEFTPADDING - takes an integer, defaults to 6.
RIGHTPADDING - takes an integer, defaults to 6.
BOTTOMPADDING - takes an integer, defaults to 3.
TOPPADDING - takes an integer, defaults to 3.
BACKGROUND - takes a color defined by an object, string name or numeric tuple/list,
or takes a list/tuple describing a desired gradient fill which should
contain three elements of the form [DIRECTION, startColor, endColor]
ROWBACKGROUNDS - takes a list of colors to be used cyclically.
COLBACKGROUNDS - takes a list of colors to be used cyclically.
VALIGN - takes one of TOP, MIDDLE or the default BOTTOM
This sets the background cell color in the relevant cells.
The following example shows the BACKGROUND
commands in action:
data= [['00', '01', '02', '03', '04'],
['10', '11', '12', '13', '14'],
['20', '21', '22', '23', '24'],
['30', '31', '32', '33', '34']]
Which produces
To see the effects of the alignment styles we need some widths and a grid, but it should be easy to see where the styles come from.
data= [['00', '01', '02', '03', '04'],
['10', '11', '12', '13', '14'],
['20', '21', '22', '23', '24'],
['30', '31', '32', '33', '34']]
t=Table(data,5*[0.4*inch], 4*[0.4*inch])
('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,,
('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,,
Line Commands
Line commands begin with the identifier, the start and stop cell coordinates
and always follow this with the thickness (in points) and color of the desired lines. Colors can be names,
or they can be specified as a (R, G, B) tuple, where R, G and B are floats and (0, 0, 0) is black. The line
and LINEAFTER. BOX and OUTLINE are equivalent, and GRID is the equivalent of applying both BOX and
We can see some line commands in action with the following example.
data= [['00', '01', '02', '03', '04'],
['10', '11', '12', '13', '14'],
['20', '21', '22', '23', '24'],
['30', '31', '32', '33', '34']]
Which produces
Line commands cause problems for tables when they split; the following example shows a table being split in various positions
data= [['00', '01', '02', '03', '04'],
['10', '11', '12', '13', '14'],
['20', '21', '22', '23', '24'],
['30', '31', '32', '33', '34']]
('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (0, 1),,
('BACKGROUND', (1, 1), (1, 2), colors.lavender),
('BACKGROUND', (2, 2), (2, 3),,
When unsplit and split at the first or second row.
Complex Cell Values
As mentioned above we can have complicated cell values including Paragraphs
, Images
and other Flowables
or lists of the same. To see this in operation consider the following code and the table it produces.
Note that the Image
has a white background which will obscure any background you choose for the cell.
To get better results you should use a transparent background.
from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph,Image,Table
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet
from reportlab.lib import colors
I = Image('')
I.drawHeight = 1.25*inch*I.drawHeight / I.drawWidth
I.drawWidth = 1.25*inch
P0 = Paragraph('''
<b>A pa<font color=red>r</font>a<i>graph</i></b>
<super><font color=yellow>1</font></super>''',
P = Paragraph('''
<para align=center spaceb=3>The <b>ReportLab Left
<font color=red>Logo</font></b>
data= [['A', 'B', 'C', P0, 'D'],
['00', '01', '02', [I,P], '04'],
['10', '11', '12', [P,I], '14'],
['20', '21', '22', '23', '24'],
['30', '31', '32', '33', '34']]
('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (0, 1),,
('BACKGROUND', (1, 1), (1, 2), colors.lavender),
('BACKGROUND', (2, 2), (2, 3),,
Image required
Span Commands
Our Table
classes support the concept of spanning, but it isn't specified in the same way
as html. The style specification
SPAN, (sc,sr), (ec,er)
indicates that the cells in columns sc
- ec
and rows sr
- er
should be combined into a super cell
with contents determined by the cell (sc, sr)
. The other cells should be present, but should contain empty strings
or you may get unexpected results.
data= [['Top\nLeft', '', '02', '03', '04'],
['', '', '12', '13', '14'],
['20', '21', '22', 'Bottom\nRight', ''],
['30', '31', '32', '', '']]
notice that we don't need to be conservative with our GRID
command. The spanned cells are not drawn through.
Miscellaneous Commands
To control Table
splitting the NOSPLIT
command may be used
The style specification
NOSPLIT, (sc,sr), (ec,er)
demands that the cells in columns sc
- ec
and rows sr
- er
may not be split.
To control Table
corner rounding the ROUNDEDCORNERS
command may be used
The style specification
ROUNDEDCORNERS, [tl, tr, bl, br]
specifies the radii of the top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right. A value of 0
indicates a square corner. replace the whole array by None
to turn off all rounding.
Borders at a rounded corner are curved by an octant.
Special TableStyle
In any style command the first row index may be set to one of the special strings
or 'splitfirst'
to indicate that the style should be used only for the last row of
a split table, or the first row of a continuation. This allows splitting tables with nicer effects around the split.